2015년 4월 30일 목요일

"Trace VIII" Martin Matalon by Hae-sun Kang (violin)

CREAMA & IRCAM Concert 2014
2014. April. 29. Olympus Hall, Seoul.
Martin Matalon "Trace VIII" for violin & electronics off-line
violin Hae-sun Kang(강혜선),
computer music designer GRAME
computer music control Serge Lemoutonl (IRCAM)
sound engineer Julien Aleonard (IRCAM)
During The 1st International IRCAM Forum Workshop in Seoul 2014
co-organised CREAMA & IRCAM

"Animus 2" Luca Francesconi by Soomin Lee (viola)

CREAMA & IRCAM Concert 2014

2014. April. 29. Olympus Hall, Seoul.

Luca Francesconi "Animus II" for viola & electronics in real-time
viola: Soomin Lee(이수민),
computer music designer: Benoit Meudic (IRCAM)
computer music control: David Coll (CREAMA)
sound engineer: Julien Aleonard (IRCAM)

During The 1st International IRCAM Forum Workshop in Seoul 2014
co-organised CREAMA & IRCAM

"ATTACCA" Ivo Malec by Jean Geoffroy

'Jean Geoffroy plays Attacca!'
2013. November. 13. Baek-Am Art Hall

Ivo Malec "Attacca" for percussion & tape
Percussion Jean Geoffroy
computer music control Richard Dudas
sound engineer Jaehyun Ahn
artistic director Jongwoo YIM
image Jungyoon Lee

Organised by CREAMA
Percussion instruments are supported by the PTS