Center for Research in Electro-Acoustic Music and Audio, CREAMA는 현대 전자음악 및 컴퓨터음악의 교육과 연구, 새로운 미디어를 통한 창작음악의 개발과 전자음악 작품의 활성화를 위해 활동하고 있다. 국내외 전자음악분야에서 활발한 활동을 진행하고 있는 CREAMA는 매년 하계컴퓨터음악공개강좌를 개최하고, 전자음악 관련 기관인 Cycling‘74, Groupe ÉNÉE나 IRCAM, GRAME, IAMSA, STEIM등의 연구소나 대학 스튜디오, 작곡가등을 초청하여 그들의 연구동향과 작품에 대한 세미나를 진행하고 있다. 또한 Ensemble TIMF, Moitie, Jean Geoffroy, Quatuor Diotima, Shadow Play, EOC등 국내외 유수한 연주단체와의 창작품의 초연과 전자음악 관련 작품들을 소개하고 있고 타 예술분야나 다른 분야와의 협력을 통해 새로운 예술 방법과 창작을 모색하고 있다.
2015년 2월 14일 토요일
UMS n' JIP Video Trailer
UMS n' JIP Greece Project (Papageorgiou, Kokoras, Maronidis, Segliaw) Video Trailer
UMS 'n JIP from swiss, will visit CREAMA
UMS 'n JIP 초청
UMS 'n JIP from swiss, will visit CREAMA from 9th March to 17th March.
초청 Concert, Workshop Concert for students, seminar & Master class

UMS 'n
JIP Founded by Ulrike Mayer-Spohn [UMS]
and Javier Hagen [JIP],
UMS 'n JIP is with more than 600 concerts and 150 commissioned works since 2007
one of the most active contemporary music ensembles worldwide performing
>100 international concerts annually, including mobile chamber operas &
multimedia performances. Since their studies (composing, audio design & musical
performance) in Holland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, UMS and JIP have been
invited to prestigious contemporary music and theatre festivals (Avignon,
Paris, Strasbourg, Marseille, TKF Zürich, TKF Lausanne, Lucerne, Basel, Bern,
Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Ulan Bator, New York, Donaueschingen, Stuttgart,
Karlsruhe, Berlin, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Thessaloniki, Istanbul,
Adelaide) where they have premiered more than 200 works as soloists and as a
duo, collaborating with both world famous and aspiring young composers such as
Goebbels, Rihm, Kagel, Reimann, Eötvös, Luis Codera Puzo, Stefan Pohlit,
Vladimir Gorlinsky, Chikashi Miyama, Huang Ruo, Wen Deqing and Guo Wenjing. UMS 'n JIP explore new
musical and scenic settings for voice, recorders and electronics ranging from
live to digital performance as well as European to non-European music.
Pluriannual collaboration providing common research, rehearsals and recordings
with the concerned composers as well as an exceptionally high amount of
performances all around the world do result the works commissioned by UMS 'n
JIP to be among the most often performed compositions of each composer. Although
UMS ’n JIP do handle an impressive workload, their aim is not to premiere as
much as possible but to perform new works as often as possible - since works
basically grow by being performed. UMS 'n JIP are also involved in the direction of the Swiss
Contemporary Music Festival Forum : :
Wallis, chaired by the International Society for Contemporary Music Wallis/Switzerland IGNM-VS. JIP is the actual
president of ISCM Switzerland as
well as board member of the European Conference of Promoters of New Music
ECPNM, Swissfestivals and of the UNESCO
Commission for the Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Canton of
Valais. Within these structures, UMS 'n JIP have initiated more than 200
additional projects and commissions. Since 2013 UMS 'n JIP take part in
two international research projects:The
Recorder Map and i-Treasures. UMS
'n JIP is coached by Irvine Arditti.
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